Environment Social Governance
“As IAC continues to build the next generation of transformative businesses and exceptional leaders, we remain guided by our deep commitment to our employees, our shareholders, our communities, and our drive to be a force for good.”
At IAC, our environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategy is woven into our day-to-day decision making to help both our businesses succeed and our communities thrive over the long term.
Our 2024 ESG Report outlines our priorities, describing key initiatives and how we are advancing each. Additionally, we’ve mapped our ESG disclosures to align with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and Sustainable Accounting Standards Board (SASB) voluntary disclosure frameworks.

ESG Highlights
Climate change is a serious and increasing problem that affects every community on the planet. IAC is working to mitigate our environmental impact.
Renewable Energy Credits: Since 2021, we have purchased renewable energy credits to offset greenhouse gas emissions related to electrical use at IAC’s headquarters.
Scope 1 & 2 Emissions: Since 2021, our Scope 1 & 2 emissions have been independently verified by an accredited third party.
Board Oversight: Our Audit Committee has oversight of our climate-related risks and internal controls over climate-related metrics and reporting.
At IAC, the well-being, growth and success of our people take front and center.
Benefits highlights:
• Flexible work options
• Generous paid family leave
• Subsidized backup childcareDE&I highlights at our businesses include:
• Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) councils or dedicated executives
• Efforts to increase diversity of candidates in the recruitment process
• Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) sponsored and/or led by senior executivesAddressing the opportunity gap: When it comes to leadership, IAC has always favored passion over pedigree. Launched in 2019, the IAC Fellows Program is designed to empower high-achieving college students from historically and systemically underrepresented communities.
Strengthening our communities: In 2023, IAC and its businesses directly made over $1.5 million in charitable contributions.
We believe good governance begins with accountability, which IAC drives throughout many levels of our organization.
Data Security: IAC has established programs and related processes designed to manage cybersecurity issues, including the assessment, identification and management of cybersecurity risks, together with related mitigation and recovery efforts.
Data Privacy: We believe our privacy technology, policies and programs allow IAC to maintain the trust our businesses have built with consumers over decades.
Accountability: In 2022, we adopted a stock ownership policy that provides for minimum IAC ownership targets for non-employee directors and IAC executive officers.
Board Diversity: Please see our 2024 Proxy Statement for further detail about the diversity of IAC's Board.
Additional Resources